Updated CPR guidelines address physical and emotional recovery

By Thor Christensen, American Heart Association News

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心脏骤停后的恢复期现在被认为是生存的关键因素, 根据最新的紧急心肺复苏术和心脏护理指南,该指南还解决了健康差距和阿片类药物过量的问题.

The new guidelines 美国心脏协会周三发布的一份报告提供了基于科学的建议,以最大限度地提高心脏骤停患者的存活率, which occurs when the heart suddenly stops beating. Cardiac arrest results in death 90% of the time in the U.S. when it happens outside a hospital.

The guidelines, last updated in 2015, 再次强调让更多的旁观者在急救人员到来之前进行徒手心肺复苏的重要性. 只有不到40%的院外心脏骤停患者接受了旁观者的心肺复苏术.

"Cardiac arrest is a life-or-death situation. When every second counts, 对于外行人来说,准备好并愿意开始心肺复苏术是很重要的," said Dr. Raina Merchant, 帮助撰写指南的美国心脏协会紧急心血管护理委员会主席, published in the AHA journal Circulation. 她是费城宾夕法尼亚大学急诊医学副教授.

该指南建议非专业救援人员对假定心脏骤停的人实施心肺复苏术, 因为心肺复苏术对病人造成伤害的风险很低,即使他们的心脏没有停止跳动.

“我们强烈重申,外行人需要在胸部中央用力按压,每分钟按压120次, at least two inches deep," Merchant said, 他补充说,记住比吉斯乐队的热门歌曲“Stayin' Alive”的节奏和副歌,可以帮助旁观者知道按压的速度.

One of the biggest guideline changes, according to Merchant, 把恢复作为官方“生存链”的一环吗."

That is a series of critical actions that include calling 911, performing CPR and using an automated external defibrillator, or AED, 一种通过对心脏进行电击来恢复正常心跳的装置. The recovery phase consists of the need for treatment, surveillance and rehabilitation for cardiac arrest survivors, including assessment for anxiety, depression and post-traumatic stress.

"It's a new focus on, what can we do to support their physical, 心脏骤停和出院后的认知和社会心理需求?" Merchant said. "The latest research tells us that's really important."

In all, 2020年更新的指南提出了491项关于成人的建议, pediatric and neonatal CPR life support and resuscitation. 其他一些重要的新的或更新的建议包括:

-两项新的阿片类药物应急方案强调非专业救援人员和训练有素的响应者不应延迟启动应急系统并在适当时给予纳洛酮, 并为阿片类药物过量引起的心脏骤停提供即时心肺复苏.

-使用移动电话技术的新方法,以提高旁观者心肺复苏术和AED的使用率. For example, 紧急调度系统可以使用手机应用程序提醒附近有需要帮助的旁观者.

– Encouraging bystander training tailored to socioeconomic, racial and ethnic populations with lower rates of bystander CPR. 培训还应解决与性别有关的障碍,以提高妇女的旁观者心肺复苏术率.

-儿科心肺复苏术的新建议是每两到三秒呼吸一次, a total of 20 to 30 breaths per minute.

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