
By American Heart Association News

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医生应该鼓励血压或胆固醇轻微升高的健康成年人少坐多动,以改善心脏健康, according to a new report.

The American Heart Association scientific statement 建议医生为轻度至中度高血压和胆固醇高的人开运动“处方”. 处方将包括如何增加日常体力活动和资源的建议, such as health coaches and connections to community centers.

“对这些患者来说,第一种治疗策略应该是从增加体育活动开始,改变健康的生活方式," Bethany Barone Gibbs said in a news release. 吉布斯是周三发表在《沙巴足球体育平台》杂志上的这份报告的写作小组主席. 她还是匹兹堡大学健康与人类发展、临床和转化科学系的副教授.

An estimated 21% of U.S. 成年人——大约有5300万人——血压被认为有点高. This is measured by the top number, known as systolic blood pressure, falling between 120-139 mmHg or the bottom number, called diastolic blood pressure, falling between 80-89 mmHg.

Likewise, roughly 28% of U.S. 成年人(约7100万人)的胆固醇水平略高. This is measured by a "bad" LDL cholesterol score above 70 mg/dL.

The guidelines for blood pressure and cholesterol 这两项研究都建议,心脏病或中风风险稍高的人只能通过改变生活方式来治疗. These include increased physical activity, weight loss, improving diet, stopping smoking and moderating alcohol intake.

美国心脏协会的新声明建议医生在每次就诊时询问患者的身体活动水平, 帮助他们确定他们喜欢的活动,并将他们与资源联系起来. 它还呼吁医生鼓励和庆祝小的改善, such as walking or climbing the stairs more often.

“在我们的世界里,体育活动越来越多地从我们的生活中被设计出来,绝大多数人默认是坐着——现在更是如此,因为国家和世界正在实行隔离和隔离,以减少冠状病毒的传播——我们必须坚持不懈地追求‘少坐多动’的信息比以往任何时候都更重要。," Gibbs said.

研究表明,增加体力活动可使收缩压和舒张压平均降低3-4毫米汞柱,并可使低密度脂蛋白胆固醇降低3-6毫克/分升. 该声明强调,研究表明,与不运动的人相比,经常运动的人患心血管疾病的风险低21%,死于心血管疾病的风险低36%.

Federal physical activity guidelines 建议人们每周参加150分钟中等强度的有氧运动或75分钟的剧烈有氧运动, plus two or more strength training sessions each week.

However, there is no minimum to receive benefits.

"Every little bit of activity is better than none," Gibbs said. “即使最初每天增加5到10分钟,也能带来健康益处."

If you have questions or comments about this story, please email [email protected].

American Heart Association News Stories

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