Asian adults less likely to survive cardiac arrest despite same bystander 心肺复苏 rate as white peers


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在美国的亚洲成年人.S. are less likely to survive a cardiac arrest outside a hospital than their white peers, even though they are just as likely to receive 心肺复苏 from a bystander, 新研究发现.

这项研究周三发表在《沙巴体育平台点击进入》杂志上 美国心脏协会杂志.

"We were surprised that rates of bystander 心肺复苏 in Asian adults were the same as white adults, 正如我们之前发现的那样 黑人和西班牙裔 with out-of-hospital cardiac arrest have much lower rates of bystander 心肺复苏 than white persons,该研究的资深作者说, Dr. 陈可辛在沙巴足球体育平台发布会上说. Chan is a professor of medicine at Saint Luke's Mid America Heart Institute and the University of Missouri-Kansas City.

Researchers also didn't expect the lower survival rates for Asian adults, Chan said.

"Receiving bystander 心肺复苏 is usually a very strong predictor of survival after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. Therefore, it is not entirely clear what may be driving the lower survival rate," he said.

心脏骤停是指心脏突然停止跳动. Chances for survival increase when a bystander immediately starts 心肺复苏, 这种情况在美国不到一半的病例中发生.S.

在新的研究中, researchers analyzed data from the Cardiac Arrest Registry to Enhance Survival, 或关心, 近279人,000 out-of-hospital cardiac arrests involving Asian and white adults in the U.S. 2013年至2021年. About 5% of the out-of-hospital cardiac arrests analyzed occurred in Asian adults, 年龄稍大(平均年龄为67岁,而非63岁), 更有可能是女性, less likely to have a drug overdose as the cause of cardiac arrest, and less likely to have a heart rhythm that would benefit from the use of an automated external defibrillator, 或AED.

研究人员发现,美国的亚裔和白人成年人都有这种倾向.S. who had a cardiac arrest at home or in public had a roughly 42% chance of receiving potentially lifesaving 心肺复苏 from someone who witnessed the event. 然而, Asian adults were about 8% less likely to survive to hospital discharge and 15% less likely to survive without neurological problems than their white peers.

CARES登记处不包括亚洲亚组, 比如南亚人, 东亚和东南亚. The results may not be applicable to people living in rural areas of the country because those communities are underrepresented in the CARES registry.

Dr. 约瑟夫·吴, 谁没有参与分析, called the similarity in bystander 心肺复苏 rates for Asian and white adults "encouraging" and said the findings merit additional research into cardiac arrest survival and neurological outcomes among Asian adults. Wu is director of the Stanford Cardiovascular Institute and the Simon H. Stertzer Professor of Medicine and Radiology at Stanford School of Medicine in California.

"The results here call for us to investigate the biological and physiological factors, 以及健康和结果的社会经济决定因素, 以及它们对不同亚洲亚群体的影响,吴说。, 美国心脏协会的志愿者主席, 在沙巴足球体育平台稿中.


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