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Drinking alcoholic beverages on a regular basis – even if it's just one drink per day – may raise blood pressure levels as you age, 一项新的研究分析表明.

研究, published Monday in the 美国心脏协会 journal Hypertension, found people who routinely drank even small amounts of alcohol saw blood pressure measurements rise more than those who drank none at all. 该分析分析了美国七项研究的数据.S.、韩国和日本.

"We were somewhat surprised to see that consuming an already-low level of alcohol was also linked to higher blood pressure changes over time compared to no consumption – although far less than the blood pressure increase seen in heavy drinkers," Dr. 该研究的资深作者Marco Vinceti在一份声明中说 沙巴足球体育平台发布会上. Vinceti is a professor of epidemiology and public health in the Medical School of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia University in Italy and an adjunct professor in the department of epidemiology at Boston University's School of Public Health.

高血压, 或高血压, is an important – yet preventable – risk factor for cardiovascular disease. 近一半的美国人.S. 成年人有高血压, 而是因为通常没有症状, 很多人都不知道自己有糖尿病,除非他们检查一下.

Prior research shows a link between alcoholic beverage consumption and blood pressure levels. But the relationship between drinking small amounts of alcohol on a regular basis and blood pressure levels was unclear. 的 AHA recommends that people who drink alcoholic beverages limit consumption to two drinks per day for men and one for women. One drink is the equivalent of 12 ounces of regular beer, five ounces of wine or 1.5盎司80度的酒. 的 AHA also encourages those who don't already drink alcohol not to start.

这项新的分析研究了美国19548名成年人的健康数据.S.、韩国和日本, finding a continual rise in blood pressure measurements over a follow-up period of four to 12 years, 人们的饮酒量是高还是低. 参与者的年龄从20岁到70出头不等, and none had high blood pressure at the beginning of the 研究 period.

Comparing people who drank alcohol regularly with those who never drank, researchers found measurements for both systolic (top number) and diastolic (bottom number) blood pressure rose more in people who drank. 收缩压反映心脏跳动时的压力. 的 diastolic reflects pressure in the blood vessels between beats, when the heart is at rest.

In people who drank an average of 12 grams of alcohol per day – equivalent to slightly less than one standard alcoholic drink in the U.S. -收缩压升高1.25毫米汞柱超过5年. In people who drank an average of 48 grams of alcohol per day, systolic blood pressure rose 4.9毫米汞柱.

舒张压升高1.14 mmHg over the 研究 period in men who drank an average 12 grams of alcohol per day and 3.每天平均饮用48克酒精的男性体内的汞含量为1毫米汞柱. Diastolic blood pressure changes were not associated with alcoholic beverage consumption in women. Diastolic blood pressure measurements are not considered as strong a predictor of cardiovascular disease as systolic measurements.

Researchers said their analysis was based on grams of alcohol consumed and not just on the number of drinks because they wanted to avoid the bias that might arise from the different amount of alcohol contained in "standard drinks" across countries and types of beverages.

"Alcohol is certainly not the sole driver of increases in blood pressure; however, 我们的研究结果证实,它以一种有意义的方式做出了贡献,文塞蒂说. “建议限制酒精摄入量,避免饮酒更好."


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