
By Laura Williamson, American Heart Association News

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(bojanstory/E+ via Getty Images)

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数以百万计血压正常的人可能因为测量时体位不当而被错误地归类为血压过高, new research suggests.

美国心脏协会(American Heart Association)和美国心脏病学会(American College of Cardiology)的指南要求患者坐在椅子上,脚平放在地板上, 他们的背部支撑,手臂上佩戴的血压袖带支撑在心脏水平. Doing so helps ensure an accurate reading. 但许多医疗保健专业人员在病人坐在检查台上测量血压, leaving their legs to dangle and their back and arm unsupported.

“这不利于准确测量血压。. Randy Wexler, 他是哥伦布市俄亥俄州立大学韦克斯纳医学中心的初级保健医生. He will present the research 周六在费城举行的美国心脏协会科学会议上.

Being misclassified with high blood pressure, also called hypertension, can lead to "people undergoing treatment who don't need it," Wexler said. “人们可能不需要服用那么多有副作用的药物. 这就是良好而准确的血压测量变得重要的地方."

在这项研究中,150名成年人被随机分为三组. In one group, 在固定高度的检查台上测量血压,然后在可调节位置的检查椅上测量血压. A second group had the same readings taken in reverse order. A third group had both sets of readings taken in the exam chair. There was a rest period before each set of readings. 结果被汇总起来,并将在桌子上测量的三次平均值与在椅子上测量的平均值进行比较.

For readings taken on the exam table, 平均收缩压(上数值)升高7毫米汞柱,平均舒张压(下数值)升高4毫米汞柱.比坐在椅子上高出5毫米汞柱,坚持指南建议的坐姿. 研究人员得出结论,这种差异大到足以将数百万血压实际上在正常范围内的人错误地归类为高血压患者.

"We were not surprised there was a difference," Wexler said. "We were surprised at how much of a difference there was." The findings were published in September in the journal eClinicalMedicine.

Instructions on how to get your blood pressure checked. Credit: American Heart Association News
Text version of infographic. (American Heart Association News)

Nearly half of all U.S. adults are estimated to have high blood pressure. 当血压持续达到或超过130 mmHg收缩压或80 mmHg舒张压时,诊断为高血压.

那些在不需要的时候服用药物来降低血压的人有将血压压得太低的风险, a condition known as hypotension, said Dr. Jordana Cohen, 他是费城宾夕法尼亚大学医学院的肾病学家,他没有参与这项新研究. 低血压会引起头晕、头晕和昏厥,并可能导致跌倒.

“我们需要确保我们正确测量血压并正确对待它," said Cohen, 他也是宾夕法尼亚大学的医学副教授. "Health systems need to prioritize this. 我们必须让他们相信,这样做在经济上是明智的,因为这会带来更好的结果."

卫生保健专业人员看到很多患有慢性病的病人,他们往往没有足够的沙巴足球体育平台正确测量血压, Wexler said. 研究表明,初级保健提供者每天需要26个小时以上的沙巴足球体育平台来遵循所有预防和慢性疾病护理指南, or more than nine hours per day when providing team-based care.

"We need to make things more efficient," said Wexler, adding that future research should look for such strategies. “但我们如何在不减缓访问进程的情况下做出可行的改变?"

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