

治疗 外周动脉疾病, or PAD, focuses on reducing symptoms and preventing further progression of the condition. 在大多数情况下, 生活方式的改变, exercise and claudication medications are enough to slow the progression or even reverse the symptoms of PAD.



Tobacco smoke is a major risk factor for PAD and increases your risk for 心脏病 and stroke. 如果你吸烟,采取措施戒烟. Effective tools include behavior modification programs, nicotine replacement medicines and other quit-smoking medications. Quitting smoking will help slow the progression of PAD and other heart-related diseases.

学习如何做到 戒掉这个习惯.


An effective treatment for PAD symptoms is regular physical activity. Your health care professional may recommend supervised exercise training, 也被称为监督运动疗法, or SET. 你可能得慢慢开始, 而是简单的步行疗法, leg exercises and treadmill exercise programs can ease symptoms. 

Exercise for leg pain (intermittent claudication) considers that walking causes pain. The program consists of alternating activity and rest in intervals to build up the amount of time you can walk before the pain sets in. It’s best if this exercise program is done in a rehabilitation center on a treadmill and monitored. 如果不可能去康复中心, your health care professional may recommend a structured community or home-based program.



许多PAD患者的血压升高 胆固醇水平. 低饱和脂肪和反式脂肪的饮食会有所帮助 降低血液胆固醇水平. 可能还需要降低胆固醇的药物.

目标: 健康的饮食习惯 强调蔬菜、水果和全谷物. 包括低脂乳制品, poultry, fish, legumes, nuts, seeds and non-tropical vegetable oils such as olive oil. Limit sodium, saturated and trans fats, added sugars, sugar-sweetened beverages and red meat.  


It’s important to take the medication that your health care professional prescribes. Not taking these medications can increase your risk for PAD, as well as 心脏病 and stroke. 可开处方的药物包括:

  • 抗血小板药物, such as aspirin and/or clopidogrel, to prevent blood clots
  • 降胆固醇药物例如他汀类药物
  • 高血压药物 (对于患有PAD和高血压的人, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors or angiotensin-receptor blockers are recommended.)
  • Oral 抗凝剂, such as warfarin or rivaroxaban, to decrease the tendency for blood clots to form

如果你有跛行, you also may be prescribed medication (cilostazol) to help improve your walking distance and decrease leg symptoms. 

Talk to your health care professional about what medications you may need based on your condition and other risk factors. 


Type 2 diabetes increases the risk of poor outcomes among people with PAD. Achieving glucose control benefits all people with diabetes and can reduce limb-related complications in those with PAD. 

Work with your health care team to create a coordinated care plan, including:

  • A 健康的饮食习惯 to reduce your cholesterol and manage diabetes
  • 达到并保持健康的体重
  • 葡萄糖控制药物
  • 管理其他心血管风险因素
  • 足部护理和溃疡预防


For some people with PAD, the above recommendations and treatments aren’t enough. So, minimally invasive treatment or surgery may be needed.

  • 血管成形术 or 支架位置 (as done in the heart for coronary artery disease) are procedures performed by making a small incision through which a catheter is inserted to reach the blocked artery. A tiny balloon is inflated inside the artery to open the clog. A tiny wire mesh cylinder called a stent may also be inserted at this time to help hold the artery open. Sometimes a medicine can be administered through the catheter or a special device can be inserted through it to remove a clot that’s blocking the artery. 
  • An atherectomy is a minimally invasive procedure to remove plaque from the artery. Similar to angioplasty, a catheter is inserted into the blocked artery. 导尿管有一个锋利的刀片, 或刀, 就端到切, 收集并清除血管中的斑块.
  • Bypass surgery may be needed if a long portion of artery in your leg is completely blocked and you’re having severe symptoms. A vein from another part of the body is used to “bypass” and reroute blood flow around the closed artery. 

Your health care professional will discuss your treatment options and help choose the best one for you. 充分利用你的下一次预约 PAD讨论指南.


如果你抽筋了, 腿部刺痛或无力, 你可能有外周动脉疾病, 也被称为PAD. PAD can lead to leg or foot amputation and even 心脏病 or stroke. 及早发现是关键!

如果你的脚或腿有问题, talk to a doctor about PAD and ask to take off your socks.